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A Return To Thedas

BioWare's Dreadwolf: The Long-Anticipated Sequel to Dragon Age Inquisition

A Return to Thedas

Prepare for an epic journey to the medieval-themed continent of Thedas as BioWare unveils Dreadwolf, the highly anticipated sequel to the critically acclaimed Dragon Age Inquisition.

Legacy of Excellence

Inquisition, the third installment in the Dragon Age video game series, garnered over 130 Game of the Year awards and captivated players with its gripping narrative, strategic combat, and immersive world. Dreadwolf promises to build upon this legacy, offering an even more captivating experience for fans and newcomers alike.

With the enigmatic figure of Dreadwolf lurking in the shadows, players will embark on a thrilling adventure filled with ancient secrets, climactic battles, and the return of iconic characters. BioWare is renowned for its exceptional storytelling and world-building, and Dreadwolf promises to deliver a truly unforgettable experience.
